Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 3 Cont. - I saw the poop

I never thought it would happen. I came home from a very fulfilling day, which consisted of: buying an umbrella, eating food, and badminton. And math homework. And the first thing I do when I come home is take a big, fat, shower. I enter the bathroom that me and my two roommates share (only one of them was home.. yes, the mormon). My other roommate had been gone all day. And I walk into the bathroom with my clothes, ready to relax and feel squeaky and clean (not just squeaky clean). Suddenly... I notice something. Something foul is in the air. Something is amiss in this tiny cell I call a bathroom. And I slowly look to the left. And slowly, I look down. And slowly my jaw drops into a resounding "o" shape... There it is, sitting innocently on the bottom of the toilet... Surrounded by floaty bits of toilet paper. I felt the contents of my stomach trying to escape through my mouth. I quickly stifle the feeling and immediately flush the toilet. I still can't help but gag at the thought of my roommates non-flushed poop. There were even streaks. I took a shower, but I still feel dirty.

At least my roommate gets their vitamins (poop that floats means you don't have enough vitamins).

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